Ego Death (Love Isn’t Going Anywhere)abstracttypography
“This experience of love energy is so powerful that to combat against it, we build an entire life, an entire ego, to try to not feel it. Yes. It is so overwhelming. It is. It’s a killer. It’s ego death. Yeah. Not desirable. It is desirable and that’s why it hurts. It’s ego death. Your heart cracks open and your ego is dying. Right. But you find that ego death is a transfiguration. It’s an alchemical transfiguration. Yeah. ‘Cause, yeah, who wants to carry around this fucking weight? You don’t. I don’t. Well, I love you very much, obviously. I love you too. And, Duncan, that kind of love isn’t going anywhere.”
I have no words to describe the beauty and genius of Midnight Gospel animated series. This artwork is a transcription from and a tribute to the last episode – Mouse of Silver
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